Out for a stroll

I suggested a walk but Lis preferred the word "stroll" and that was perhaps a better definition of our wanderings. We walked slowly, stopped to admire the swan on the water, took pictures, and turned around when we reached the lake's outlet. You can see the outlet in the extra. It was fairly full of water because the thaw is well underway. I thought it interesting to compare the view here with my blip of 8 days ago.  All the water you see here has appeared because the lake level has gone up and the edge of the field is flooded. The ice over the lake is still in place, but I wouldn't want to walk on it any more!
It's lovely to see Lis again. We started to work together back in 1985, and since then we've been friends through a half lifetime.
Now Lis has arrived for breakfast so I'll stop here and post my blip.

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