The little darlings...

"The little darlings have been let out" the woman in the Spar said to her 2 colleagues when she saw the first Grangemouth High kids appear on the square this lunchtime. One of them stood by the door to be the bouncer, but they needn't have worried 'cos most of them headed straight for the exotically named "ABC Chinese Chippy".

I didn't have time to make a packed lunch today, so had to walk quarter of a mile to Charlotte Dundas Square .. named after some grand old ship with it's heritage based hereabouts.

Probably designed as a leafy community hub in the 1970's, these days it's dominated by a job centre with no jobs and an overpriced convenience store with a post office inside where you can collect your benefits and spend them on crap food and scratch cards under the same roof.

I bought some crap food and got out of there..

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