Great excitement!

I've seen a dragonfly a few times lately over our back garden.  My aim is pretty good, my reflexes, less so.  This fella was not keen on settling anywhere but I was determined.  I found myself a garden chair, reclined the back, facing away from the sun, and took aim into the blue sky.  

74 shots later, these are the merged results of the half-decent ones.  
Four in focus. One, nearly!  All a little bit far away. Hmmm, well, it’s a start!

I then spotted the extra on the back of the house and thought it was the same chap but I think it's different - maybe a male and female of the same species?

Any ideas?  Is there enough detail to see?

I'm thinking a hawker.
Possibility: female common hawker in main pic

Little dragonfly(s?), garden pond awaits!

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