Now we have everything

By Gembop

He sleeps

It's our first full day solo with the little man and we've not broken him yet!

Another midwife came round today to take my stitches out. I was dreading it. She used a razor blade to cut off the two metal beads at each end of the incision then quickly whipped out the single prolene thread that was used for each stitch. I'd actually been healing very quickly so the beads had dug in slightly and the thread caught at the end - joy!

Although it took my breath away the short second of pain was nothing compared to the feeling of relief for them to be out. The incision felt so much better!

Charlie's still struggling to feed and getting upset that he's not getting enough. It's also getting quite painful. He was asleep when the midwife came round and she said to leave him so she didn't see him feed. However she gave me the details of a breastfeeding support group and recommended lansinoh cream.

Charlie is also still doing most of his feeding in the very early hours of the morning so Robin took him downstairs this morning so I could get some sleep. I still woke up after only a couple of hours though. My mind seems to be going at 100mph rather than just letting me rest!

The midwife did still find me in my PJ's when she came round this afternoon, so I'm definitely getting better at just concentrating on feeding Charlie and looking after myself rather than worrying about domestic distractions. Afterall, nothing else is more important. As my midwife Ann put it, a happy mummy = a happy baby.

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