Taith gerdded coetir

Taith gerdded coetir ~ Woodland walk

“A small grove massacred to the last ash, / An oak with heart-rot, give away the show: / This great society is going to smash; / They cannot fool us with how fast they go, / How much they cost each other and the gods. /  A culture is no better than its woods.”
—WH Auden

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Heddiw cerddais i i lawr llwybr i gornel o dir Drala Jong. Rydw i'n cofio darganfod yr olygfa hon ar ein hymweliad cyntaf, pan roeddwn ni dal yn chwilio am le enciliad, cyn rydyn ni'n gwybod hwn oedd y lle.

Mae ein hencilwyr yn nawr setlo i mewn. Mae'n y tro cyntaf ein bod ni'n cael cyfle i fod gyda'n gilydd ers blynyddoedd. Hefyd Mae'n y tro cyntaf iddyn nhw gael cyfle ymweld â Drala Jong. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio y byddan nhw fynd adre gyda phrofiad go iawn o Drala Jong.

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Today I walked down a path to a corner of Drala Jong land. I remember discovering this scene on our first visit, when we were still looking for a place of retreat, before we knew this was the place.

Our retreatants are now settling in. It's the first time we've had a chance to be together for years. Also It's the first time they had a chance to visit Drala Jong. We hope they go home with a real Drala Jong experience.

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