Trwy ffenestr trên

Trwy ffenestr trên ~ Through a train window

“The towns and countryside that the traveller sees through a train window do not slow down the train, nor does the train affect them. Neither disturbs the other. This is how you should see the thoughts that pass through your mind when you meditate.”
—Khyentse Rinpoche

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Heddiw aethon ni - yn y pen draw - i Drala Jong. Ar ôl y drafferth ddoe, penderfynon ni i geisio cynllun newydd - i fynd ar y trên.  Mae'n dipyn bach mwy cymhleth na fynd ar y bws oherwydd rhaid i ni ffeindio bws yng Nghaerfyrddin sy'n mynd ger Llandysul. Heddiw roedden ni'n meddwl bydden ni'n ceisio'r bws 460 a'r cwrdd â ffrind yn Saron i gael lifft i Drala Jong. Aeth popeth  yn dda ac roedd y daith ei hun yn hyfryd. Gwnaethon ni fwynhau yn arbennig yr olygfa hon o'r aber ger Caerfyrddin. Gwnaethon ni'n ffeindio'r bws heb broblem ac yn cwrdd â'n ffrind yn Saron.

Rydyn ni'n meddwl efallai bod y trên yn ffordd well o deithio. Mae'n fwy drud, mwy cymhleth ond yn llawer mwy hyblyg. Mae llawer o drenau, ac mae'n dda i gyrraedd yn y prynhawn cynnar. Byddan ni'n teithio'r ffordd hon eto, rydyn ni'n siŵr.

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Today we - eventually - went to Drala Jong. After the trouble yesterday, we decided to try a new plan - to go by train. It's a little bit more complicated than going by bus because we have to find a bus in Carmarthen that goes near Llandysul. Today we thought we would try the 460 bus and meet a friend in Saron to get a lift to Drala Jong. Everything went well and the trip itself was lovely. We particularly enjoyed this view of the estuary near Carmarthen. We found the bus without a problem and met our friend in Saron.

We think the train might be a better way to travel. It is more expensive, more complicated but much more flexible. There are many trains, and it is good to arrive in the early afternoon. We'll travel this way again, we're sure.

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