I Love a Parade! (Sheep Version)

With apologies to anyone ever associated with the original version.

I love a parade, the tramping of sheep,
I love every bleat I hear of each one!
I love a parade; when I see a lamb,
I just want to stand and cheer as they come!
With black little feet, their faces so sweet,
They march to the rhyme, each footstep's in time.
They walk up the hill with order and skill,
I cheer at the thrill of everything ovinology.*
I love a parade, the grass damp with dew,
Each lamb, ram, and ewe in woolly brocades.
For I love a parade!

The soundtrack: you guessed it! I Love a Parade! This version performed by the Lawrence Welk orchestra and singers.

*Technically, this line has one too many beats because of my insistence on incorporating the word ovinology, which means the study of sheep. But come on, who could resist using the word ovinology in a poem? Have you ever even HEARD of such a thing!? And to any who may say this extra beat (bleat?) detracts from my awesomely awful derivative verse, I say this: Baaaaaaa humbug! :-)

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