Thursday morning

It was beautifully sunny for a while, and I wandered round the garden looking for some stalks, leaves or seed heads I could use as a filter through which to peek at something; I liked the idea of the Abstract Thursday "filtered" challenge, but I don't have digital filters and didn't feel up to trying to drape net curtains... I wasn't keen on the results of my abstract attempts, but I did enjoy the light on the early autumn leaves and flowers. These leaves are on the saskatoon bush in my overgrown fruit bed; I couldn't decide if I preferred this dappled light or the rich colour and simplicity of the rosehips in the extra.

It was another day largely staring at the computer screen, and the washing machine repair man wrote off our washing machine, so we have another thing to organise and pay for. We seem to have reached an age where all our appliances are as decrepit as we are starting to feel. More positively, I harvested more aubergines, a few courgettes and the last of the French beans.

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