Monday blues

Thankfully we had a good morning as our afternoon hasn't been that great.  
The jedi had another settling in hour at nursery.  He went in happy and within minutes I heard him screaming the place down. He realised I was gone. My friend is the nursery manager so she let him come and get a hug and settle down and then I went in with him. He was fine with me in there. He got distressed when the staff tried to put his waterproofs on. He won't let anyone except me do things for him. But hey how he played outside fine. As long as he could see me. Harp is such a delight and helped him. 

I'm currently uploading to blip while I'm sitting in our local shopping centre.  I should be at the dentist with the jedi and the 3 big wildlings,  but I had to cancel Carsons appointment and leave the rest with Mr R.  Carson was screaming the waiting room down. Amd it was too much for him and the people waiting.  So I left. I'm glad I persuaded Mr R to come this time as its normally just me that takes them . Hopefully he settles by the time we get home . 

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