-5 C/ 23 F

This warming trend has
us all thinking about spring
- many months to go!


I was awake at 6:30 so I texted N about the clogged kitchen drain. He answered with suggestions and apologies that he could not be here today. We're on our own. 

I set off for the hardware store and a quick sidetrip for photos at the park. I did a drive around the loop in McArthur Island but saw no birds or deer. I did find some children with their sleds on the playing fields. They were using the small slope from the parking area to the field. I thought it must be a disappointment for them. There are other places in the city that would serve much better. I saw their supervising parents lined up against a utility building with hot drinks in their hands. I suppose it was a good way to keep kids busy before the big day. With enough exercise, they should sleep well tonight. 

I motored on the hardware store where a fellow in the plumbing department gave me great information about using a snake. Unfortunately, we don't have a wrench to get the trap open, so we are no further ahead. This will have to wait until after Christmas. There are other sinks in the house. It is just an annoying inconvenience. 

So, I'm in for the day. Happily, but will want a nap before the afternoon is done. I would like a pot of soup sometime today. Then I will be in my recliner until Santa arrives. 

The forecast is for a cloudy day with periods of snow and a high of - 4 C.
I'm grateful that it's warming this week. 

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