Aladdin, with Jonty

After a pretty hectic day yesterday I woke up around 8 O'Clock and got dressed, just as Harriet came into my room to see me. We lay down to have a cuddle and watch what was left of Aladdin. A few minutes later in came Isabella so, Lucky me, I got double cuddles.
Jonty was there too but not very interested in Aladdin, I think he just wanted to carry on sleeping. 
We really enjoyed the half hour that was left, it was the Disney version with Will Smith as the Genie, brilliant and I want to watch it from the beginning now!
Everyone came back today but later on after they'd been out somewhere with the children. Mostly picked at left-overs, with some air fryer cooked chips. Nice and relaxing Boxing Day.
Julia took the photo after coming in and picking up my phone  :-)

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