Y chwedl hon

Y chwedl hon ~ This legend

Y Chwedl Hon - Bob Delyn a'r Ebillion

“What is ceremonious and curious and commonplace will be legendary.
― Diane Arbus

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Mae Gareth Bale wedi ymddeol o bêl droed rhyngwladol ar ôl gyrfa wych. Trwy ei bêl droed e, mae e wedi helpu i roi Cymru ar y llwyfan rhyngwladol, mae mwy o bobl yn gwybod am Gymru nawr na cyn iddo fod yn enwog. Mae'n bosibl ei fod e wedi newid dyfodol o'r wlad. Pwy a ŵyr?

Mae'r murlun hwn (a'r eglwys) yn agos at yr ysgol yr ysgol lle aeth Gareth (a fi). Mae'n ddiddorol cael teyrnged i rywun enwog yn y pentref yn agos ar y siopau. Tybed sut brofiad ydy hi i rywun enwog gael ei wyneb ym mhobman. Pwy a ŵyr? Nid fi.

Mewn newyddion mwy lawr-i-ddaear, mae Nor'dzin yn dipyn bach well heddiw, ac es i siopa.

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Gareth Bale has retired from international football after a great career. Through his football, he has helped put Wales on the international stage, more people know about Wales now than before he was famous. It is possible that he has changed the future of the country. Who knows?

This mural (and the church) is close to the school where Gareth (and I) went. It is interesting to have a tribute to someone famous in the village close to the shops. I wonder what it's like for someone famous to have their face everywhere. Who knows? Not me.

In more down-to-earth news, Nor'dzin is a little better today, and I went shopping.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Murlun Gareth Bale, Eglwys y Santes Fair, Amlygiad dwbl, Yr Eglwys Newydd, Caerdydd.
Description (English): Gareth Bale Mural, Saint Mary's Church, Double exposure, Whitchurch, Cardiff.

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