Begonias, female and male

Last time I posted a photo of this begonia was on 6 January '23 when it was in bud, open flowers having fallen off. In my journal I advised that the flowers are either male or female (unlike most flowering plants which have both male and female parts in the one flower) and that I know how to sex begonias. Today I reveal how.

My extra shows three male flowers on the right and two female flowers on the left. Male flowers have two large and two small opposite petals. Their centre shows a number of stamen filaments, at the ends of which are anthers containing pollen. The anthers and stamens are soft and fluffy to the touch. 

Female flowers have usually five petals of similar size, or one of the five being smaller. At their centre are a number of stigmas which receive pollen resulting in fertilisation, followed by seed production. Beneath the petals is a three-winged ovary. The stigmas feel quite tough and robust when you touch them.

The begonia in the main is a cultivated one in a pot. So far the plant has produced flowers of only one sex.

Test: identify the sex of the begonia in the main. 

Thanks for hosting BikerBear. A happy weekend to you all. 

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