Lamp post

I could have stayed in my bed this morning, but had things to do and of course had to make sure BB got out to school.  First off I had to finish a bit of work – it probably took me 30-35 minutes.  Once it was done, I packed my laptop away and made sure BB was awake.  Next was to hang a load of washing out and put another road of washing on.  Once BB was off to school, I went out for a run.  I was time limited, but ended up running five miles – though thought I wouldn’t quite have time for that.  I then had a mad dash to showers and get changed and to hang out my second load of washing, before going out to meet up with friends in a local café. 
We’ve been trying to meet up for ages, and at last today was the day.  There was lots to catch up on, not least that one of them has just become a grandparent.  Her granddaughter is just gorgeous, the most beautiful baby.  She is so happy.  We also moaned about eh lack of studying going on in each of our houses.  We eventually departed and went our separate ways.  I picked up a quick lunch on my way home.  BB was due to be playing football, so was sorting himself out.  After lunch, it was time for some chores and a quick shop to get some provisions for BB.  
It rained.  My washing got wet and BB came home from football soaked.  Later I went off to catch a bus to Edinburgh, to meet up with BB and friends to go to a leaving do for one of our friends.  A couple of our friends popped by and joined us later.  It was a lovely evening, so good, we were rather reluctant to leave and had to run all the way back to Princes Street to get the bus.  Amazingly we had some time to spare.   It’s been a busy, but good day.
I spotted these fish like creatures when I was on my way to meet TT.

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