Pictorial blethers

By blethers


As I wrote that title, I was struck by the thought that though this day was simply dreary for me, there are people - in Ukraine, in Mississippi - who would just love to have had a day as quiet and uneventful as the one I've just had, so consider myself reprimanded ...

So what was wrong with my day? In a way my photo is an example - the only photo I took, of the meagre collection of random necessities that signified that I was doing some sewing. I hate sewing. I look at the people I follow on here, sewing quilts, knitting hats (I loathe knitting too), and I wonder how humans can be so different. The trouble lies with Himself and PJs and the difficulty these days in buying PJ bottoms without firm, grippy elastic round the waist. He's a skinny guy, but he can't bear being gripped by the waist when he's in bed, and most shorts have elastic (and sometimes a rather redundant tie as well) and over the years I have developed a way of savaging the waist, cutting the elastic in a couple of places and stitching it all back again. Whaddya mean, do I extend it? It's for bed, dammit, and no-one's looking. But my needles keep disappearing (where do they go, when I barely use them?), and the one with the big enough eye for me to thread without going blind has developed what looks like rust patches which make it stick in the material; the black thread is about 60 years old and my quick unpicker has lost the wee blob off the longer point and the thimble isn't the lovely silver one that belonged to my grandmother because it's too small for me. I feel my ancestors looking down in disapproval (my aunt worked for Coats Central Agency, back in the day - hence my ludicrous selection of threads) but my mother hated sewing as well and my father used to say he'd rather she read or played the piano because sewing - or knitting - made her cross.

There. That's it all off my chest. I did it. He'd better be satisfied.

Other than that? I walked round to the Eco store and lugged home 3kg of bread flour before the rain came on.

Since then it's been wet and increasingly chilly and I did quite a bit of Italian and read my book. I looked back at my Facebook memories and saw much better weather, many more flowers blooming. I felt even more disgruntled.

Dinner with a nice glass of red helped, as usual, and when the darkness falls and you can shut the curtains you don't see what it's like outside. But even that will be delayed tomorrow...

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