
By Veronica

Glow in the dark

Another hectically social day. Intercambio in the morning, where I met Maria-Jesus and Susy, who turned out to be walking pals of S.  As we left, they suggested meeting up again for a tour of the crosses in the evening, and although that's exactly what I did yesterday evening I agreed anyway.

They turned up with their friend Mercedes, who was carrying a small dog under her arm and inexplicably dragging a suitcase on wheels behind her (I never did find out what was in it). G and K, two British people from the intercambio, came along too. 

As predicted, it was much busier than yesterday, with more people in their best Sevillana outfits. We started by climbing right to the top of the old town to visit this cave. There was a very loud sound system next to it blasting out Sevillanas; Mercedes and Susy enthusiastically joined in the dancing.

From there we went to the Gitanos' courtyard, where I'd been with guiri and F yesterday, but it was absolutely packed, not a seat to be had, so after Mercedes had briefly joined in the dancing (still with the dog under her arm) we moved on.

We ended up in the busy square outside the Victoria hotel, where we did find a table, so we sat down and drank a couple of beers. The noise was so deafening that it was a struggle to hear each other and I quickly got tired out from the effort. We called it a night at about 10:30 (at least G, K and I did -- I think Susy and Mercedes may have danced at least part of the night away).

I've done enough crosses now I think!

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