The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

West Orange Diner

Tonight's Blip features the diner that is across the street from the Luna Stage Theatre.

Called The Valley Diner, it has some of the best food in West Orange, NJ, and is owner operated. From what I've read, it is one of the best values around, and has amazing home cooked breakfasts and entrees.

Huge bummer...they close at 6 pm weekdays, so the cast of "Ghandi The Musical" has not been able to get their catered snack break from there.

I will not take a photo of the other 2 places across the street. Paper signs in their windows and no local foot traffic, along with the cast's sad faces and my daughter's immediate search for food every night as we return home, should assure you that I'm not holding back on you.

As for Ghandi, I will reveal that one of the songs is entitled, "Kiss My Bald Head."

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