
By KirstyHalbert

Neat Freak.

Work was absolutely crazy again today, it really comes in waves. Today I wrote a proposal, finished two reports and tied up some loose ends on a long-running project. Sense of satisfaction.

M left for a course in Perthshire today for the RNLI; he's getting a qualification for radio transmission. I decided to practice some tennis without him (not that I'm over-competitive or anything) so I met with L from the office after work and we played for nearly an hour, until rain stopped play. It was good fun, despite L having had coaching and being much better than me!

I headed home and did some tidying; I ended up going to bed really late but I've finally managed to sort out the ball of clothes that has been hiding in my wardrobe for about 3 months. Note that there is still a single green sock in the bottom right corner of the picture though... M called to say goodnight, the course seems to be going well. After a year of having him on 3-week rotations offshore, it shouldn't feel weird to have him away for just one night, but I'm used to having him with me all the time now!

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