First Time For Everything

How does a Contraptioneer reach the age of gray hair without ever going to ONE football game!?? Well, he explains, he played violin, and there weren't too many of them in marching band. How he managed to avoid the game completely, I'll never know!

So, here we are, on a date night at my old alma mater, watching the game with friends.. Mr. Contraptioneer, naturally, had his phone out and searched the rules for American Football. In a few short hours, he knew more about the game than I ever have in the many games I have attended.

During the game, the nurse from our Dr. office called to tell me my iron was very high and that if I continue to take iron, I'll rust! How on earth can someone who chronically runs low in iron, have too much?! While I Googled "ferrous toxicity" (and found that I'm high, but not that high), he suddenly said, "that guy just patted the other guy on the rear!!" No, really, he said that. I looked up and said it was because it was football, and in football, that's a macho thing to do. The look on his face confirmed it...he'd never been to a football game, and by golly, to the casual observer who has never seen a football game before...there's nothing macho about that!!

Tooooo fun! (Thank you for not being mad that I told that story...I just had to tell it...)

Edit: We are recalling having gone to a couple Superbowl parties with friends...both of us were interested in the food, the commercials and the company. We saw bits of the game. So, this morning he says to me..."I've actually been in the same room with a whole game before..."

Edit #2: Mr. Contraptioneer has challenged all Koozebanian blippers to take unique and fun pictures at the Bay Area Fun Festival this weekend. If you have time, it is WELL worth reading about how Jim Henson (creator of the Muppets) was influenced by a visit to Coos Bay, OR. Also well worth your time, is scrolling down and watching the video about the mating rituals. It's good for a hearty laugh!

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