Royal Mile again

Busy day at work, ending with a visit to Universal Comedy at the Fringe. They work with people who have a mental or physical illness by providing workshops and courses hosted by tutors from the world of professional stand-up to help people lift their self-esteem and confidence, learn new skills, meet new people and socialise. So this was a show from some of the people who went through the course.

I think it is a massive achievement to stand up there in front of 300 people and try to make them laugh, but not only that - they were all pretty funny! some were professional quality (and indeed have gone on to work professionally in comedy since taking the course)

Fringe in work time and on the work credit card - yay!

This blip is not Universal comedy, it is just someone on the stage on the Royal Mile, on my way home.

So I went for a swim, went home, and spent four hours proof reading a report for someone which is due on Thursday. The curse of being the boss.

Argh long day.

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