
By marissaalice

The Web

Spider webs are made of the finest string. It is difficult to see but it is strong and flexible. It keeps whatever it catches. Everyone says the world is connected by threads.. People who meet one another are tied together, people are tied to places.
Before, whenever I would jerk forward and go in a random direction, feel as if I were being pulled I would blame this string and the unknown person at the end of it. How come they always move so quickly? It's like sometimes my body has a mind of its own! Even now. I feel my string is taught. And constantly pulling me towards something. From the moment I arrived here I felt that ache I used to have. Trying to pull or push me in a certain direction.
And now I know why. Where it is coming from. And every moment I am away I want to reel myself back. Across the ocean. Over a thousand miles.
Make my string short.

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