
By Mikey88


It was a miserable day, with heavy showers. I had intended to go out early, but it rained, so I saved the trip for the afternoon. I took my daughter to work and then continued up to Burrator Reservoir and parked up near Norsworthy Bridge.

It was raining when I arrived, so I waited to see if it would stop. While I was waiting, a pack of hounds came trotting past the car, with three huntsmen in control. Sadly, my camera was still in the boot, so no pictures. After about twenty minutes, the rain died away, so on went the boots and I followed the stream which runs into the eastern edge of the reservoir.

It was very dark, so I used a tripod as much as I could. The water was unbelievably clear. I took several shots of leaves at the bottom of a pool, and of some tiny purple fungi growing out of the moss on the tree trunks, but liked this shot of the little waterfalls best.

It began to rain again after about an hour, so I packed up and headed home, with more and better pictures than I thought I would get.

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