
By samsticks

Sci Fi

Gina spent the first part of last night up-down-up-down to the bathroom, until she decided that she didn't want to wake me up any more and just stayed there, went to sleep on the floor, then moved to the couch (closer to the toilet than bed). She's really not in a good way bless her.

Thankfully Miles was well enough for daycare today, so at least I didn't have to stay home to look after the both of them (Gina could barely move all day so wouldn't have been able to look after The Little Goblin... we'll see how we go tomorrow!).

I finished work just after 5 (a mere 5 hours earlier than my Monday norm) so that I could go and pick him up. Thankfully my boss was able to step in, although he's not feeling too great either, so I hope that he's OK!!

Hadn't taken anything all day, what with rushing around the whole time. As always, when in doubt... here's another abstract. I thought this one looked like it could have been out of a Sci-fi movie.

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