Red rag to a bull

I've been muttering B******s to myself all day today.

In the end the Rower got sick of it, and suggested a way round the problem. We walked into the Park at Gate 7 (instead of Gate 6 which is now locked), and walked up the track a short distance until it veered towards the line. We saw a trail where others had gone before. We walked down to the railway line, walked across it, and walked along the line for about 75 metres until we got to our regular spot. It's impossible for the Railway authorities to block access to the line from the Park side - that's what so stupid.

I walked up our regular track for a short distance, spotted this beautiful little hover fly - and it's a species I have never seen before. It's feasting on a fan flower (Scaevola spp), a native of this area.

Then we clambered through the fence - which is getting very bendy from constant clambering, and voilà! They can't keep us out!

Brighter fly

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