An early-morning walk... a blessing for the whole day" said Henry David Thoreau, and he was right!

It's been a while since I've had Sami's portrait as my blip - I took some shots of him when we were having our morning walk.

We rented a morning suite for Leevi's school party next February. Vanhojen tanssit  = ball of the (new) seniors, is a formal prom held in Finnish upper secondary schools (lukio) during the second year. It is a celebration of when the second-year students become the seniors of the school. After the ball, the students attend a dinner in the evening.

In the evening me and my sis participated to a live concert stretching event in our fitness club. What an awesome experience it was! Tytti Koivunen sang like an angel and stretching with her musing was very relaxing.

+3 C, cloudy

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