Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A new member of the family

He is as yet unnamed, but arrived in all his splendour today. In truth, he has been here for weeks, starting as a set of beads, threads and pieces of material. Mum planned to make him to give to me for Christmas, but her broken finger in November put paid to that plan. She has battled on, doing a little at a time, until this warrior was ready to be seen.

He will settle in first and his wife will arrive in a few weeks time.

I hope that the locals will welcome him as we should welcome people who come to live here in need. Every so often I see round robin emails which strongly encourage the idea that asylum seekers are just on the make, etc, etc. You know the sort of thing. I can't imagine what it must feel like to leave your own land because you are not safe to stay there.

Bit serious for New Year's Eve. I hope you enjoy all the celebrations. I'm off to bed for once. (My "recovery" yesterday was short lived.) Here's to a happy and healthy 2014, hopefully a Giardia Free Zone!!

PS In my photo class we learned how to add a shadow - this one was there from the lamp light in the room. I had to colour balance to counteract the yellow tones. Then a few tweaks of levels and curves - that's all.)

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