Nice cup of tea

Mae ystafell neis yn yr Hollies lle dyn ni'n gallu cwrdd â mam-gu. Mae'r ystafell yn fwy na'r ystafell wely ac yn llai na'r lolfa. Mae hi'n berffaith gwrdd â hi yna. Mae stereo gyda nhw a ro'n i'n hapus ffeindio ychydig o CDau yn Gymraeg. Bydd rhaid i mi gyflwyno nhw i Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog.

There is a nice room in the Hollies where we're able to meet grandma. The room is bigger than the bed room and smaller than the lounge. It is perfect to meet her. They have a stereo and I was happy to find a few CDs in Welsh. I will have to introduce them to Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog.

Old Photographs: Loggia, Wooden wall, Wooden wall window, Dee cropping the grass, Wooden wall window - partly painted, Wooden wall window - unpainted, Wooden wall window - empty frame.

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