Not a Selfie

I thought I had a great photo with a great story today. I drive past a building, rumored to be part of Verizon although 1)there are no signs to indicate this and 2)if it is Verizon, why is our cell phone reception almost non-existent a mere 4 blocks away? Anyway, I drove past yesterday glanced over and, seeing a huge crane, thought they were cutting down a large tree. After I had passed, I realized that what I really saw was a crew"building" a large tree, otherwise known as a cell phone tower. Although there were several ironies implicit in the picture, it wasn't stellar, and apparently the "tree" has been there for years and it was just being overhauled.

I took some pictures of my sister-in-law, Meg,awhile ago because I really liked her haircut. I finally found a new lovely new hairdresser, and she gave me a haircut, a book on "curly girls", and instructions on how to restore my tired looking hair. Pleased with the results I wanted to send a picture to Meg. I tried a few "selfies" with my iPhone, but I was horrified at the resulting images that confronted me. Was that old crone really me? Impossible (It is interesting to note that toddlers, unlike me, are not only adept at taking pictures of themselves with their mothers' phones, but fascinated with the results! One mother found 90 consecutive pictures of her adorable 2 year old daughter on her phone)

OilMan offered to step in and try to take a more flattering picture. It appears here 1) because I quite like it and 2) because it was absolutely the only other picture taken today (other than the faux tree).

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