a town called E.

By Eej

May the Fourth ...

... be with you.

And seeing how I'm posting this on Monday the 5th; yes, I am a day late and a dollar short.

So, after the wedding festivities (see yesterday's Blip) we went home, fed the cats and then went to a pub party/fundraiser of other friends.
Needless to say, I was dead on my feet then - and stayed like that all through this Sunday. Except for when the Beloved and me went for a run. Together. Yes, we are now the kind of people that work out together. Amazing, isn't it? I am so very proud of him - I know how hard it is to run carrying around extra weight.
Ask a slim (and untrained) person to put on a backpack filled with 50 lbs worth of weights and tell them to run - and see how that goes.

After that we watched Who, I pootled a bit, and then all of a sudden the day was done! Pfffff.

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