Poplar Lane

Phew! seems like a quick turn around this weekend. I guess that's what happens after being away most of the week, sick before that and then home late Friday.

Thanks for your comments yesterday and the previous days. I hoped to catch up on blips earlier today but the site was down. Since then I've done those 'little things' like washing and shopping for fruit, veges, milk, bread and wine for those who kept the Fur Child happy and did the airport run.

Oh, there was the little matter of a small rant at the neighbours in the bogan house who came and went all night and have dogs that bark, yelp and cry. At least they don't have parties.

Before my hair cut this afternoon I met S at the 'Twisted Hop' for a cider and catch up. I felt lazy and decided to make the copper cabbage tree and old brick work behind today's blip.

I'll pop a few comments in before I clean up the kitchen and catch some Z's.

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