
By Nigel


I thought I would dust off my Wacom Bamboo Pen and have a bit of a digital draw this afternoon. Dust off turned out to be very apt as it looked rather like an antique shop curiosity, much like the rest of the desk. I think a Spring clean is in order. I haven't used it on this computer yet and it seemed to be treating the two monitors as one desktop on the tablet which it very difficult. I will have to look into the settings and see what is up sometime.

Day of housework otherwise, plus a bit of cooking, if you can call making Salmorejo soup cooking.

Did an awful lot of Node.js programming in the evening. Having got to grips with the basics of making a database driven web application (the ubiquitous Twitter clone which I call Bleeter) I now find myself at the point where the UI layer becomes important and I have to start thinking about APIs instead of a server request and response process. So two separate asynchronous gears to think about now, oh joy! I think the time has come to close the lid on the Minimum Viable Product part of the development and go to the sketchbooks and work out the user experience aspect.

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