An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

And again...

I would say this has to be the very same orange potter wasp as I posted on the 22nd – it is on the same patch of overgrown grass, doing the same thing (which I am unclear about – I really don't know what it's purpose is on the grass. Sometimes it cleans it's mandibles, sometimes it just sits for a while before having a whizz around and coming back to sit a bit more. Certainly not building any mud nests or eating or anything like that.)

I tried some shots with the flash – I'm not really a big fan of flash for macro (though I might be if I had a ring flash or something better than the built in flash unit!) but I thought it worked quite well with this shot; though I don't like the 'shine' it gives the wasp. Sorry to be repetitive – I was trying for a wasp mimic bee, but it kept well out of range at the top of it's favourite flowering bush.

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