By wellsforzoe

Meitheal at Mzgora

Harisen brought a group from Sonda to Mzgora,50 km distant, by dirt road to complete a dam. With two villages working together they filled the dam with water and the water now flows about 1 km to irrigate the complete valley. Mathews Longhi the Local Chief in Sonda initiated this when he visited last week. The compliment will be repaid as required, on a similar work scheme in Sonda.
The greater benifit is in the exchange of skills and ideas which happens on such a day, which is fairly unique in this area.
Harisen's mail:


This was on 15 Aug.
I brought the guys from sonda to help on the dam.
We managed to close the river,and the water now flows through the irrigation chanell. But during the rainy season their will be a huge flow, so we must have a good outlet. What do you think?


When I was young in the West of Ireland villagers came together to help each other on big farming jobs, like treshing or turf cutting, and the group was called a Meitheal

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