Pixel Art

By pixelart

The cloudy nature of Power ...

Back blipped for Monday here.

Today I decided to stay at home. I could not catch proper sleep yester-night due to power cuts.

Result - Headache!

I think it was a bad decision to stay at home.
Reason #1 - Heat.
Reason #2 - 2 hours scheduled-mandatory power cut during the day.

Apart from those scheduled power cuts, there were quite a few non-scheduled ones. On the whole,

You never know when you will have power and when not!
You are totally at the mercy of Electricity board.
You are left 'power-less' (pun intended).

Result - Ruined work!

At one such instance, I was standing by my window staring at the huge pylons running by my house.

Thought - When are we going to think about alternate power sources?

Those bunch of white fluffy clouds marching behind the pylons gave me idea for today's blip - "The cloudy nature of power in this country"

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