
By bluesheep

damn, I should have saved this idea for my 365th

Larger Version

by far the most time spent on any of my blips. far too much time. I don't remember the last time I started a project so late and got so involved that I lost track of time and subsequently lost a lot of possible sleeping hours. But it's all worth it in the name of blip.

So here the uber-secret cool thing mentioned on my last post. same kind of collage deal as several recent posts but this time 80+ shots, all taken by me of me with some help from a tripod, most hand-held, and no self timer. was wielding the thing in both hands trying to capture every part of my body and hold it at a consistent distance from my body whole taking images that didn't look like they were taken at arms reach. This time I used my 50mm, so needed many more shots to fit everything.

The good part was I did it at home so I could re-shoot things if I needed. The bad part is I had to go back 3 times during the night, the first to fill in gaps around my waste and left arm, second for some more legs and feet, and again for extra wall and floor shots to create some more space around me.

had a blast doing this though. Wish I had more time and go do this kind of stuff all the time. I'd do a whole portrait series for sure.

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