Happier than last year

Even though she's been allowed share bowl-licking duties with Ewan and even though she's been allowed to eat at least some of the domed top cut off the bottom sponge layer, Ellen would like to eat more cake. Now. She's not happy and this was her coming to show me her upset face having volunteered to go and sit on the bottom step to think about things. Still, she's looking happier than she did on her birthday last year.

Seeing the interaction of these two for 10 hours a day is the main highlight of working from home and answers the question of why we do all this travelling to go and sit in an office doing just the same things I can do at the kitchen table. That's the answer - to not have to spend 10 hours of every day listening to these two interact.

I was asking myself this as I dug out some snow from the drive at 7am having reversed out but failed to get the car moving on the icy road. Then I couldn't get it back in. I'm sure the neighbours didn't mind the noise of shovel-on-monoblock at 7am. Seems foolish in retrospect but I'd thought it would be OK and, since Mandy wasn't going anywhere, I thought that if I took the car to work I'd be able to take a monitor into work to be given away and pick up some large sheets of mount board for framing some prints. The second best option of the bus was contemplated but when I came back out of the house in time for the 7.24, I thought better of it when the snow was tipping down again. Back in for more coffee and to get a fire started.

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