Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Raising Boys

I decided Edgar was old enough (17) to be introduced to the experience of buying perfume for a woman.

I took him to the appropriate counter where the exquisitely manicured young lady looked me closely in the eye, stood just a little too close, and explained in a hushed breathy French accent where she likes to dab her perfume, how it makes her feel, inviting me to smell her fragrance etc. etc.

I bought three bottles ranging from not too big - to tiny.

I explained to Edgar there a a few simple truths:

1) Don't bother asking how much, we will never understand, there is no logic, the salewoman has allready judged how much we can afford and will take us to that limit.

2) You know it's going to be expensive, so find an expert and when in their hands you might as well enjoy the ride.

3) Take it seriously, keep your wits about you and go to the toilet first!

Edgar had a go at guessing the cost and charmingly thought I was joking when I told him the truth.

He will do this himself one day and it will still be a shock, but at least I know he is forewarned.

It was very amusing to see his face! Precious times. :-)

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