Can you see those beautiful, beautiful lights? How pretty they are, how they flicker and shine! We've got proper broadband!!! After nearly 2 years of enduring the speed (slow) and the price (high) of mobile internet (SIM card in a little USB device), our flying, speedy internet arrived.

I chose not the cheapest, but the best service and local ISP. All happened timely, but of course when I plugged the router, pronounced [rou-ter] NOT [roo-ter] or the Aussies will laugh, it didn't work. What a surprise! So off go and call the company, queue is too long, so they will call back. And they called back quickly. And a very efficient Matthew checked everything up, set it up and even configured our phone service for the time when we manage to purchase a handset. All done. It is fast and all around us. Boy, am I happy with it.

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