this luminous life.

By Laura

Goodbye, Heath.

A few days ago, I noticed that Heath was having difficulty swimming in the large tank. I thought one of his legs was broken from the strong filter in the tank because he was wobbling while swimming to the top. To relieve him from swimming too much, I isolated him and watched him carefully. He still wobbled but seemed better and was eating. Yet, it reminded me of how my previous frog, Brando, acted a few days before he died. I knew the end was coming soon. I was hoping he would hold out until the end of the week so his death would eerily coincide with the actor he was named after.

This morning, while heating up water for my tea, I checked on Heath and discovered him lying on his back. He wouldn't move.

Only Marilyn is left. I will probably be moving her into the small tank soon because the large one is too big for one little frog.

RIP Heath. March 20, 2009 - January 16, 2011.

a year ago: kelly.

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