All that is beautiful

By sharob


Yellow roses are important to me. They were my Grans favourite flower.

"The bright, sunny color of yellow roses evokes a feeling of warmth and happiness. The warm feelings associated with the yellow rose are often akin to those shared with a true friend. As such, the yellow rose is an ideal symbol for joy and friendship"

I've known this particular friend since just before we had our babies - her daughter is 3 weeks older than mine. At the weekend, my friends Father was involved in an incident in which he had his leg broken in two places. He had an appointment today so my friend wanted her baby looking after. Molly - the baby - is such a little sweetie, all 3 girls played together beautifully. They all ate lunch and pudding, Storm went up for her usual nap, Clara said that she wasn't feeling well so she went to bed to read some books. Molly doesn't usually nap so I let her play on the floor but she crawled over to me with her arms up for a cuddle. I picked her up and she settled in and fell to sleep, she stayed put for nearly an hour! My friend was very impressed and considering my Storm has never napped in my arms, I was so happy to have a lovely cuddle and felt well rested for a change!

Anyhow, when my friend came back to collect Molly, she had bought me this bunch of flowers, with yellow roses. I don't know if she knows that they mean so much to me though.

I'm very lucky to have great friends, and although it's true that I tend to help them more than I accept help, I know that I could rely on them if I needed them. It's just that I'm used to my life and accept that I can't drive so have to wait until weekends or just buy things online. I've gone through most of life without friends, never trusting people, finally I have a beautiful set of friends. So, this yellow rose is for them! x

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