new friends

Joanna and Aidan are looking after their neighbours' Border Collie, Moss, for a week. Last night was his first night away from home, and today he travelled in the car up to the forestry roads near Loch Ettrick for a walk with me and Jess. This was the first time that Moss and Jess had met each other, and we had chosen this walk because it was quiet, new to them both and there was plenty of space. There was some wariness to begin with, but the beginnings of a friendship which we hope will strengthen over time.

The walk had wonderful views over the Nith Valley as you can see, aIthough I  was so focussed on the dogs that I didn't take many pictures.

Good news from Luke this afternoon when he phoned to tell me that he has a job. Not so good news from my Dad when he phoned to tell me that Mum had fallen and broken her elbow. We had to have FaceTime without her :-(

Jess had another walk with me this evening and now we are both stretched out in front of the fire...

Today's walk: Auchencairn Forest 3.89 miles, RB before tea 2.14 miles

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