
Back on the bench this morning; vertical, so far at least. My throat is still sore and I feel like being alone and quiet, which is usually how I deal with being ill. Today, though, my sense of smell has returned and I feel the stirrings of an appetite so may have some lunch.

It's so beautiful out here in the garden and I feel privileged to be here in the peace and quiet which is denied to many just now. I am also grateful for the good wishes of so many people, on blip and elsewhere. Thank you kindly.

I brought this pile of books out to look at today. I haven't opened any yet but may do so later. "Fatal Passage" is about the life of John Rae, the Arctic explorer. "Nistisima" is my new cookbook - Greek fasting (vegan) food. "Birdsong" is great because it plays the calls of 150 UK birds, making them easier to learn.

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