sugar and spice and all things nice

Covid day 4

My body has had a rough time of it this week so today I decided to treat it especially nicely. First of all, a wee walk. Setting off, I felt like a child in the Japanese show "Old Enough"/"My First Errand" (on Netflix and be warned, it's compulsive viewing). I felt that photographers posing as farmers or delivery men might be following my wobbly progress...but no-one was about, so I walked over the bridge and back, and around the garden, deadheading millions of daffodils as I went. I felt as though someone had slipped some drugs into my morning coffee..very weird indeed.

I had some nice sun-in-your-face time on the bench, and gave my body a really nutritious lunch with fruit and veg all colours of the rainbow. This afternoon I had a lovely shower and hair wash and changed into new clothes, and this evening I have made a "milopita" - spiced apple cake - from my new recipe book. Just waiting for Sarah to come home from work (and running twice up Criffel) before we try it :-)

The fog is slowly lifting, thank goodness. Its still so hard to read, but surprisingly easy to sit and do jigsaws for hours on end - two Wasjigs down, another one about to be started (thank you Hazel!). Onwards and upwards...

Being here all day to look at the cherry blossom has been wonderful

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