
By Instography


Yes, it's annoy the neighbours day where you light a very small fire and then cover it, leaving little gaps admitting just enough air to keep it smouldering  as long as possible, generating clouds of smoke. Luckily the wind was blowing away from the house too or we'd all have been kippered. While trying to keep that going, some beer was bottled, some pork was chopped up with some fat, black pepper, fennel, garlic, salt and paprika and the whole lot shoved into a cow's intestine so that it can be left to hang, ferment, grow mould and be tasty. And not poisonous. Hopefully.

A few miles were cycled in pursuit of shopping. More than the minimum but still not much. Those four weeks off have taken their toll.

And cartoons. Ellen's currently obsessed with making comics. Something to be encouraged and joined in. 

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