Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

In the labyrinth

The sea fret was still covering Bamburgh this morning, so I decided to go inland. It was rather chilly, but I should have dressed for summer.

I haven’t been to Alnwick Garden since it was an infant, so I headed there. It was already busy by my standards at 10am.

I did the guided tour of the Poison Garden, where a very enthusiastic guide told great tales. He identified a black hellebore as sneezewort and said we must not sniff it. I was not the only person to notice the error and I went back afterwards to tell him quietly. It was a fun visit.

I had no idea that a cherry orchard had been planted on the hillside. Large swings hang under the trees and it must be marvellous when the blossom is out. Now, you need to take seat protection because the rooks love to sit above the swings!

Did you know that the taihaku cherry tree was introduced to England in 1900? All the trees died out in Japan, but the species was successfully reintroduced y Captain Collingwood Ingram. What a fact!

My blip was taken in the bamboo labyrinth. I loved the hairs and textures.

My extras are also from the garden, if they will upload.

I had a really good photo chat with a photographer in a wheelchair, a convert to Panasonic micro 4/3. He showed me one of his camera which has an ingenious viewfinder that rotates through 90 degrees.

Back in Bamburgh it was sunny but hazy. I discovered temporarily that I can see the castle from my bedroom.

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