
He'd already been warned about picking off the icing, the sweets and those horrible little sugary balls that almost crack a tooth every time you find one. But it was an excellent cake and all by his own hand (apart from supervision by Mandy and a masterclass in scraping the last of the mix out of the bowl and eating it from me).

Me, I've spent the whole day between the brew shed (for that is what it is now) and the garage moving stuff around, cleaning, tidying. making a fine roast pork loin with a herb crust. (Actually, claiming to have made it is a bit of a stretch. What I actually did was make the crust and put the thing in the oven before going away and leaving it to Mandy). But I did go away and make a pair of curtains so I think that gets me off. Actually, claiming I made a pair of curtains is a bit of a stretch. What I actually did was take to thin pairs of IKEA curtains and sew them together to make on decent pair, although I did have to measure them and hem them and stuff.

(It's bubbling away nicely).

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