
By Instography

George Bower - sirloin steak

Oh dear, it's getting obsessive now that I've started going into the shops and asking to take photos. Sorry if this offends any vegetarians but the steak really sums up the shop - a classic old school butcher shop in Stockbridge. Sadly, I bottled out of getting the butcher to pose for the photo. I just left him jointing some rabbit that is now simmering away in the oven for tea tomorrow. And because I chickened out, the resulting photo is weak. All wasted potential and no focal point.

If you like your meat you'll admire the steak and it really sums the place up. The marbling would have Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall drooling. The butcher explained that this has been hung properly for over a month and not at sub-zero temperatures like the supermarkets would do. No, if you look closely you'll see the all-important mould up near the hook and to the right hand side of the steak. I wonder what Hugh Pennington would say.

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