
By Instography

Verticals 5: Pencils

I've seen a few of these about to the extent that I guess it would fit into the category of filler or cliché. Still, it's not been a day for photography. It's generally seen as poor taste to spend your time at the hospital photographing the wee boy before he goes into theatre or just as he comes out. They certainly don't let you take your camera into theatre. Boo. They didn't mind when he was born.

Thank you to everyone who sent their best wishes for Ewan. He's fine if a little sore. I left him sitting up in bed watching a DVD. He'll be out tomorrow and giving the tree in the garden a wide berth for a wee while.

Although it's a bit boring, it was quite good fun to make this. I dug out a wee softbox that I got cheap in Jessops years ago when I worked near Shandwick Place. I was forever browsing their bargain bin. It generates a nice shadowless light although it's quite powerful so you generally need it quite far away.

Might be something equally boring tomorrow or I might have to abandon this theme and just post a photo of a broken arm.

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