
By cyclops


Today is a pretty exciting day, as it's the start of the kick-off weekend for my Saltire Foundation Fellowship next year.

Tonight there is a dinner and I get to meet the other fellows for the first time, along with some of the professors from Babson. We've already done some pre-work on building and understanding company accounts, but over the course of the weekend they will be starting us off on a bigger project to complete before the start of the programme proper in January. I even have my flight tickets now - I'm off to Boston on 10th Jan 2009!

Clearly the guys working on the Forth Bridge knew how excited I was, so they arranged to decorate the north tower with a huge Saltire! Unfortunately they failed to arrange a proper blue sky to go behind it, but thanks anyway guys!

Of course, this means I am apart from MrsCyclops for most of the weekend. I supposed it will be good practice for the early part of next year... That's going to be the hardest part of all this.

P.S. Thanks for all your comments yesterday on a picture I wasn't very happy with. It's growing on me now - maybe I was just tired and grumpy when I blipped...

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