Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Real People

This is Natasha, she works in Real foods at Tollcross. I pop in most mornings for a chat and buy various things. Usually something healthy, fresh yeast or the dreaded Chick Pea noddles.

The staff in this shop are always cheery and helpful, this young lady is always up beat and chatty. I blipped her here reading my blipcard.

Busy day at work, took the some of the new blippers into 4 figures out for a posh cup of tea(TFP and Wingpig) that is china cups and a pot. We got chatting about collective nouns for blippers, a journal, an exposure and a focus.

Came home late, straight into tutoring maths, 3 weeks till the exam, really pushed them tonight. Said good bye to Eco aunt as she is away to United Arab Enirates tomorrow.
Had to go shopping as Eco son is away for the weekend mountain biking and had written a list of supplies for me to get.

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